

GENOSYS EZ CO2 MASK! Every woman dreams of young and smooth skin, which is already possible without injections, and thanks to non-injection carboxytherapy you will feel a quality effect immediately!


Carboxytherapy is a breakthrough in cosmetology, which is able to solve many problems of facial skin. The developed formula allows you to stimulate the skin to restore the beauty, energy and health of your face and decollete.
It is an oxygen mask to start the regeneration of skin cells and protect tissues from the harmful effects of the environment. The preparation excellently oxygenates the skin, with CO2 being absorbed mainly by tissue fluid, which gets to the vessels, muscles and even nerves.

                                                   Thanks to this effect, the mask acts as an ideal basis for all subsequent care procedures.                                                                      


Effect of carboxytherapy:

  • Restoring skin health
  • Detoxifies the skin
  • Minimization of wrinkles
  • Narrowing of pores
  • Reducing acne
  • Increased skin firmness
  • Reduction of redness and sensitivity
  • Reduction of pigmentation, post-acne
  • Increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin




One mask five effects



This is for you if:

  • Do you want to level the skin tone
  • Want to add shine
  • Do you want to download pores
  • To reduce the depth of expression lines

With age, oxygen deficiency leads to loss of skin elasticity and its premature aging.

Non-invasive carboxytherapy is a safe therapeutic method for eliminating oxygen deficiency. It is carried out as a result of passive gas exchange between the skin surface and carbon dioxide.


How does this procedure work?


A special mask is applied to the skin, which contains carbon dioxide molecules. Carbon dioxide, penetrating under the skin, sends a signal to the brain about the presence of oxygen deficiency. The body, responding to a lack of oxygen, increases blood flow.

As a result, there is an active production of collagen, which provides a natural tension.

The physiological process of rejuvenation is started due to the saturation of the skin with carbon dioxide.

At the same time, the appearance and color of the skin improves.

Effects and indications for Vas:

Carboxytherapy involves saturating the skin with carbon dioxide, which accelerates blood circulation and lymph flow in the upper and deeper layers of the skin. It also stimulates the production of collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin, while accelerating the breakdown of fatty deposits.

The procedure is recommended for complex strengthening of the muscular framework and skin. Already after the first session, it is possible to achieve an improvement in the oval of the face and skin texture (fine wrinkles disappear, pores expand, post-acne and vascular mesh become less noticeable).

Advantages over other treatments

Unlike traditional cabroxytherapy, non-invasive technology does not involve injections, which means that there is no recovery period. In addition, Carboxy-mask has practically no contraindications. Exceptions are dermatological diseases in the acute stage.

One carboxytherapy procedure allows you to look irresistible at an important event (wedding, meeting, award ceremony, etc.). But the course of several procedures, especially in combination with chemical peeling, allows you to forget about the passport age and the need to visit a cosmetologist for a long time.

Regeneration of the skin is achieved due to a sharp increase in the level of carbon dioxide on the surface of the skin, which causes artificial oxygen starvation. This promotes the flow of additional oxygen from the blood to the skin tissues, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin.




  • Lifting and smoothing wrinkles
  • Rejuvenation and improvement of texture
  • Reduction of edema
  • Reduction of rosacea
  • Deep cleaning
  • Color restoration and alignment
  • Moisturizers
  • Elimination of excessive secretion of sebaceous glands
  • Treatment of acne, post acne
  • Relief Restoration



Non-invasive carboxytherapy allows you to quickly and effectively deal with various aesthetic defects. The technique is great for women of any age, regardless of skin type.

The procedure is characterized by the following advantages:

  • Comfort – no pain;
  • Non-invasiveness – the integrity of the skin is not disturbed, so there are no scars ;
  • Safety – no risk of side effects, allergic reactions;
  • Prolonged effect-carboxytherapy activates the body's own reserves, so the results can be observed for a long time;
  • No seasonal or age restrictions;
  • Possibility of combining with other procedures;

Complex effect-gives additional nutrition and hydration, accelerates blood circulation, fights wrinkles and other signs of aging and relieves inflammation.

Carboxytherapy is a non-injection technique that is used to improve the condition of the skin. jamming can be done on the eve of important events, as it gives a visible effect after a single use. The procedure is also carried out on the course repeatedly.In this case, the number of visits is selected by the cosmetologist.

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